What if you fantasize about marrying the woman before you fantasize about being with her - is it still wrong then? I mean, wouldn't you be fantasizing about having legitimate sex?
PerceptiveChristians do not need to ask whether itis acceptable to be entertained by a cer-tain book, movie, or game that featureswhat Jehovah hates
What about the bible? The bible has some very graphic violence in it. Think of the account of Ehud's slaying of the Midianite king. That's just one of many graphic accounts in the bible. Then there's lots of sex in the bible as well as some pornography in Ezekiel and the Song of Solomon. If a movie maker portrays the bible on screen with the same detail as it is written, that movie would have to be at least R rated.
It's just plain hypocritical to talk about movies and books featuring what Jehovah hates when the bible itself if filled with inappropriate material. I know, JWs would say the sex and violence in the bible is there for a purpose and isn't being glorified. But they don't accept the same line of reasoning if its a modern movie that has a brief sex or violent scene that's there for a purpose and isn't being glorified. Such hypocrites!
Speaking about violence being glorified, the bible actually does glorify violence. I can't remember exactly where, I think it might be chronicles. But there's a section in bible that boasts about the impressive violent exploits of some of David's men, mentioning how great they were at killing how many men. It mentions one stealing an Egyptian champion warriors own spear and killing him with it. So the bible does glorify violence!